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As the world continues to embrace renewable energy sources, solar panels have become a popular choice for homeowners looking to reduce their carbon footprint and save on electricity bills. However, many people wonder if solar panels are still effective during cold, cloudy, or overcast days, especially during the winter months.


In this blog, you learn about:-


1. Do Solar Panels Still Work When It’s Cloudy?

2. How Much Electricity Do Solar Panels Generate on a Cloudy Day?

3. How Well Do Solar Panels Work on Cold Days?

4. Which Solar Panels Work Best When It’s Overcast?

5. Can I Still Save on My Electricity Bills with Solar Over Winter?

In this blog post, we will explore the performance of solar panels in less-than-ideal weather conditions and answer some common questions regarding their efficiency during such times. RK Solar and Consulting Services is here to provide you with insights into this important topic.


1. Do Solar Panels Still Work When It’s Cloudy?


Yes, solar panels can still generate electricity on cloudy days, although their efficiency is reduced compared to sunny days. Solar panels rely on sunlight to produce electricity, and even on cloudy days, some sunlight penetrates the clouds. This is called diffused light. Modern solar panels are designed to capture both direct sunlight and diffuse sunlight, which means they can still generate power, albeit at a lower rate, during overcast conditions.

 2. How Much Electricity Do Solar Panels Generate on a Cloudy Day?

The amount of electricity generated by solar panels on a cloudy day varies depending on several factors, including the type and efficiency of the panels, the thickness of the cloud cover, and the geographic location. 

Modern solar panels still function pretty well on overcast days thanks to efficiency advancements in solar panel technology. On a cloudy day, solar energy production varies depending on a number of variables, such as:

-The thickness of the sky’s clouds.

-Length of the overcast period.

-High standards and effectiveness of the solar panels.

-Solar panel position and tilt on the roof.

-As a general rule, a high-quality solar panel will generate between 25% and 40% of the electricity it would typically generate on an ideal sunny day.


When you ask RK Solar and Consulting Services for a price, we’ll send you a graph that’s particular to your property and shows the expected monthly output for your system. This depends on where you live and how many hours of peak sunlight your rooftop gets on average daily (and throughout the month).2.

3. How Well Do Solar Panels Work on Cold Days?


Solar panels actually tend to work more efficiently in cold weather compared to extremely hot conditions. Solar panels can become less efficient as they heat up, but cold weather helps keep them cooler, which can enhance their performance. So, in terms of temperature, you don’t need to worry about winter (cooler temperatures) negatively impacting your solar panels.

How can you determine how much a solar panel loses in efficiency as the temperature rises above 25 degrees Celsius?

It gets a little technical, but stay with it—you’ll be glad you did!


The temperature coefficient of Pmax, or simply Pmax, is a statistic that can be found on every datasheet for a solar panel.  This statistic shows how much a solar panel’s efficiency decreases for each degree above 25 degrees Celsius in the panel’s temperature.


The temperature of the panel, not the temperature of the surrounding air, is what matters.  This is important to remember since solar panels typically get hotter than the surrounding air.

Always a negative number, such as -0.34%, is Pmax.  According to this, the solar panel’s efficiency will decrease by 0.34% for every degree above 25 degrees Celsius.


For instance, if the solar panel is 40 degrees Celsius and its Pmax is 0.34%, we may calculate the efficiency loss in two steps:


The panel temperature (40 degrees) is subtracted from 25 degrees to arrive at 15 degrees.

The solar panels’ Pmax (i.e., -0.34%) multiplied by 15 degrees results in a 5.1% efficiency loss.


This indicates that, compared to its performance at 25 degrees Celsius, the solar panel operates with a 5.1% reduced efficiency when its temperature hits 40 degrees.


The major objective of this is to demonstrate that solar panels function just fine in cold weather as long as sunlight is hitting the panel.  Therefore, a chilly sunny day in winter is ideal for generating a lot of solar energy for your home.


4. Which Solar Panels Work Best When It’s Overcast?


If you live in an area with frequent overcast conditions, it’s advisable to invest in solar panels that have higher efficiency and are designed to capture more diffuse sunlight. Monocrystalline and polycrystalline panels are typically more efficient than thin-film panels in these conditions. However, the choice of solar panels should also consider your specific location and budget.

Advanced, high-quality solar panels contain elements in their design that enable them to convert more solar energy into direct current electricity than conventional panels.


Backside Mirror:

  • Some solar cells incorporate a “backside mirror,” which is a thin coating of aluminum located beneath the solar cell.

  • The mirror serves the purpose of reflecting light photons that were not absorbed during their initial pass through the solar cell.

  • By reflecting these photons, the mirror gives them a second chance to enter the solar cell, increasing the likelihood of absorption.

  • The result is a more efficient conversion of sunlight into electricity, as more photons are converted to electrons.

Power Optimizer:

  • Each solar panel is equipped with a small device called a power optimizer, installed underneath it.

  • The power optimizer enables autonomous operation of the panel, ensuring that it can still produce the maximum power even under suboptimal conditions.

  • For example, in the case of partial cloud cover affecting six out of 14 solar panels, the power optimizers allow the unaffected panels to operate at their maximum capacity.

  • This is contrasted with a standard string inverter solar system, where the output of the entire array would drop to the level of the least efficient panel. The power optimizer, therefore, provides more flexibility and efficiency in varying environmental conditions.

In summary, these technological features contribute to the overall efficiency and reliability of solar panels, ensuring that they can make the most of available sunlight and continue to generate power even when some panels are partially shaded or affected by suboptimal conditions.

5. Can I Still Save on My Electricity Bills with Solar Over Winter?


Yes, you can still save on your electricity bills with solar panels during the winter months. While the overall production may be lower compared to summer, your solar panels can still offset a significant portion of your energy consumption.

Australia has some of the most expensive electricity rates in the world. 


The good news is that we’re fortunate to reside in one of the nations with the most sunshine. In Australia, you’ll normally enjoy at least eight hours of sunlight per day, wherever you live. Lower electricity costs result from reducing your dependency on pricey grid power by using solar to capture that sunlight.


It takes expertise to size your solar panel system to provide both your winter and summer electricity needs.  There isn’t a fix that works for everyone.  Everything is dependent on how much electricity you use over the year.


We visit your property, evaluate your energy demand profile, and then offer the finest solar system for your requirements at RK Solar and Consulting Services because we understand this.



In conclusion, solar panels can still generate electricity when it’s cold and cloudy, albeit at a reduced efficiency compared to sunny days. The extent of their performance depends on various factors, including the type of panels and weather conditions. 


Investing in high-efficiency panels and adopting energy-saving practices can help you make the most of your solar energy system, even during the winter months. So, with RK Solar and Consulting Services by your side, you can continue to enjoy the benefits of renewable energy throughout the year and contribute to a greener future while saving on your electricity bills.

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Unit 21/6 Gladstone Rd, Castle Hill NSW 2154

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1800 338 809

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We design and install high quality residential and commercial solar panels and solar battery systems with the highest quality solar technology.

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Head Office

Unit 21/6 Gladstone Rd, Castle Hill NSW 2154

Victoria Office

34 Chartwell Drive, Wantirna Victoria 3152

Phone Inquiry

1800 338 809

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We design and install high quality residential and commercial solar panels and solar battery systems with the highest quality solar technology.